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.by - Environmental and educational event «European Parks Day» in Belovezhskaya Pushcha! - hotel complex Kamenyuki - News 24-May-2024 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : Environmental and educational event «European Parks Day» in Belovezhskaya Pushcha!

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hotel complex Kamenyuki

Environmental and educational event «European Parks Day» in Belovezhskaya Pushcha!

Hotel complex Kamenyuki invites everyone who wants to visit Belovezhskaya Pushcha for a holiday that reminds of the importance of preserving and protecting unique national parks and reserves - European Parks Day!

«European Parks Day» has been celebrated around the world on May 24 every year since 1999. It was approved by the EUROPARC Federation, which unites protected natural areas in 40 countries, in order to attract attention to the protection and conservation of unique biosphere complexes.

The date May 24 was chosen for a reason, because it was on May 24, 1909 that the first 9 national protected parks were opened in Switzerland. And since then, protected natural areas have become an invaluable part of the natural and cultural heritage of Europe.

Hotel complex «Kamenyuki» invites you to celebrate this day together! May 25, 2024 at 13:00 in the assembly hall of the Nature Museum of the Environmental Education Center scientific staff will give educational presentations on Belovezhskaya Pushcha, its nature and environmental value.

You can familiarize yourself with the infrastructure of the Kamenyuki hotel complex and prices for vacations on the property’s page. Price is inclusive of discounts.

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