Lake Bereshcha is located in Lepel district, Vitebsk region, at 12 km from Lepel, near the village Chernitsa. It is the swimming pool of Berescha River. In to the lake Bereshcha empties Okonitsa creek, river Kesta and Berezinsky channel.
Lake Bereshcha area is 4.08 km², the length is 2,8 km and the maximum width - 1,8 km. The lake is shallow, its maximum depth - about 1,3 m. Village, in which lake is located, mainly lowland, covered with forests and shrubs. The lake bottom is flat and muddy, along the banks of reeds grow.
At the lake Bereshcha organized paid recreational fishing. It is home to perch, roach, pike, carp, tench and other fish species. The lake Bereshcha can enjoy a quiet and secluded rest, and maybe even see a mute swan - a rare bird listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.
The object of rest lies near lakes:
The following live fish: