Saturday, 29.06.2024
03:17  Minsk

.by - Spa and Wellness - Rest in Belarus price 2024
Rest in Belarus

Rest type - Spa and Wellness

Spa and Wellness

SPA weekends in a country hotel or recreation center is one of the most refined and useful vacation options. This is a great opportunity to combine outdoor recreation, away from the noisy city, complementing it with water procedures, massages, oriental rituals in a cozy relaxing environment. Such a holiday is suitable for people of any gender and age.

In the classical sense, SPA is a series of procedures aimed at healing and improving the appearance, using mineral waters, algae, salts and therapeutic mud. In a wider sense, SPA procedures include everything that serves to relax the body, restore it and rejuvenate. These include massage, sauna, Turkish hamam, all kinds of baths, masks, body wraps.

To relax in the best traditions of SPA, it is not necessary to go to distant overseas resorts. You can get popular relaxing procedures in Belarus. Belarus recreation centers with spa services invite guests to visit SPA complexes with mineral baths, swimming pool, sauna, SPA capsule, massage, cosmetic wrapping, a variety of cosmetic procedures.
SPA weekends in Belarus will make you feel renewed, full of strength and energy. This type of relaxation will relieve physical and psychological stress, perfectly affect your inner worldview, give serenity and joy.

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