Massage (french massage) — method of treatment and the preventive maintenance, representing set of receptions of dosed out mechanical influence on various sites of a surface of a body of the person made by hands of the masseur or special devices. Being a physiologic method for an organism, massage in a complex with medicinal therapy and other methods of treatment is widely applied in system of medical rehabilitation, various areas of clinical medicine, in sanatorium treatment, etc. It use in the improving purposes, and also in sports.
Massage (french massage) — method of treatment and the preventive maintenance, representing set of receptions of dosed out mechanical influence on various sites of a surface of a body of the person made by hands of the masseur or special devices. Being a physiologic method for an organism, massage in a complex with medicinal therapy and other methods of treatment is widely applied in system of medical rehabilitation, various areas of clinical medicine, in sanatorium treatment, etc. It use in the improving purposes, and also in sports.
Massage (french massage) — method of treatment and the preventive maintenance, representing set of receptions of dosed out mechanical influence on various sites of a surface of a body of the person made by hands of the masseur or special devices. Being a physiologic method for an organism, massage in a complex with medicinal therapy and other methods of treatment is widely applied in system of medical rehabilitation, various areas of clinical medicine, in sanatorium treatment, etc. It use in the improving purposes, and also in sports.
Massage (french massage) — method of treatment and the preventive maintenance, representing set of receptions of dosed out mechanical influence on various sites of a surface of a body of the person made by hands of the masseur or special devices. Being a physiologic method for an organism, massage in a complex with medicinal therapy and other methods of treatment is widely applied in system of medical rehabilitation, various areas of clinical medicine, in sanatorium treatment, etc. It use in the improving purposes, and also in sports.
Massage (french massage) — method of treatment and the preventive maintenance, representing set of receptions of dosed out mechanical influence on various sites of a surface of a body of the person made by hands of the masseur or special devices. Being a physiologic method for an organism, massage in a complex with medicinal therapy and other methods of treatment is widely applied in system of medical rehabilitation, various areas of clinical medicine, in sanatorium treatment, etc. It use in the improving purposes, and also in sports.
Phytotherapy (latin phytotherapia phyto + therapy) — preventive maintenance and treatment of diseases by grasses, plants.
Floating therapy - the method of a relaxation removing continuous external influences from a sense organs of the person by immersion in a state of weightlessness. Procedure influences both on physical, and on mental levels. The Floating therapy stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes pulse and a heart rhythm, improves a lymphatic drainage, promotes loosing weight, removes a pain syndrome of various origin (migraine, a back pains, osteochondrosis, arthritises). Procedure helps to stimulate brain work, removes stress, helps to fight against depressions and alarms, increases endorphin production - happiness hormones, gives feeling of harmony, security and rest which remains for a long time after a session.
Nowadays various float chambers, float rooms, float pools and float bed exist. All of them are based on immersion in water, but there is a basic difference: they can be both wet, and dry, with contact and without contact to water respectively.
Advantage of wet float chambers is complete isolation from the outside world, lack of sounds, smells, light. It is possibility to stay alone with yourself, without distracting on world around vanity. Practically it hasn't any contra-indications (except individual intolerance of hydrochloric solution).
Dry float chamber represents "bath" with water on which the thin water-proof mattress fitting a body is fixed, without disturbing immersion. Advantage of a dry float chambers is removal of the contra-indications connected with contact to hydrochloric solution, possibility of carrying out a session even in clothes, and also carrying out the additional procedures combined with a floating. Cryotherapy — is a cold treatment. Cryotherapy is used primarily impact with an inert gas with nitrogen or air cooled to ultralow temperature - 150 -190 º C. At extremely low temperature of the body reacts general mobilization. There is increased blood flow, thereby increasing oxygen supply, activates the metabolism, excretion of harmful substances through the lymph and bloodstream. Stimulates the production of hormones that support good mood and other activated immune system and inflammatory processes, reduced pain threshold.
Cryotherapy is divided into general and local.
Cryotherapy is held in a special cryochamber where the skin for 2-3 minutes, experiencing temperature stress without undergoing damage. Cryotherapy provides full or partial immersion of the naked body in a gas medium at a temperature of 110 - 160 C. The distal parts of limbs and respiratory protection from frostbite - wear wool socks and gloves and cotton-gauze mask. Cryotherapy has a wellness and rejuvenating effect on the whole body.
For local cryotherapy appears to target specific body parts and human skin. Local cryotherapy is widely distributed in cosmetology. Used for local exposure to cold ice (cryomassage ice), liquid nitrogen, cryogenic gas jet.
Speleotherapy (greek spēlaion cave + therapy) — treatment of the patient by long influence by a microclimate of grottoes, caves or the produced mines.
Doctors' consultations — ñonsultation of the resort doctor after the arrival with the purpose of selection of the individual program of treatment and restoration, the control of results over passage of a course, final recommendations.