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.by - Phyto-barrel in the health resort Praleska! - health resort Praleska Grodno - News 20-March-2024 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : Phyto-barrel in the health resort Praleska!

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health resort Praleska Grodno

Phyto-barrel in the health resort Praleska!

Health resort Praleska Grodno Grodno region reports about a pleasant new product - phyto-barrel. It has proven itself a long time ago and is very popular among vacationers. When it is not possible to visit the bathhouse, a cedar barrel comes to the rescue, which has the same beneficial properties.

Phyto barrel or cedar barrel allows you to feel all the benefits of the effects of steam and high temperature on the body without visiting a steam room. The main difference from the classic bath is the compact size of the phyto-barrel. In addition, the advantages are:

  • Gentle mode. Many people do not tolerate the heat of baths and steam rooms, and overheating of the head provokes an increase in pressure and, as a result, their health worsens;
  • Healing effect. A phyto-barrel made of cedar wood is a source of beneficial phytoncides and essential oils. The tree has an antimicrobial effect and can inhibit the development of viral infections. Procedures in a cedar barrel have a cleansing, healing and restorative effect on the body;

As a result of using a phyto-barrel, you get relief from stress and nervous tension, increased immunity, help the body fight viruses and microbes during colds, and cleans the skin.

View all medical procedures and also the voucher prices to the Praleska health resort in the relevant sections on its page.

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