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.by - New in the health resort Naftan - aroma diagnostics and brush facial relaxation - health resort Naftan - News 29-December-2023 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : New in the health resort Naftan - aroma diagnostics and brush facial relaxation

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health resort Naftan

New in the health resort Naftan - aroma diagnostics and brush facial relaxation

Health resort «Naftan» announces unusual new products : aroma diagnostics and brush facial relaxation are now available for guests of the health resort. Come try it for yourself, you will like it!

Aroma diagnostics occurs through deep aromatic testing, which allows you to obtain a decoding of the psycho-emotional state. Based on its results, one can find mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing with the help of essential oils.

Brush facial relaxation is a pleasant procedure that not only helps correct a person’s emotional state, but also, as a bonus, smooths out wrinkles and improves skin turgor.

For more information, read therapeutic base, as well as prices for tours to the health resort «Naftan» can be found on its page in the relevant sections.

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