Wellness and SPA treatments:
Floating therapy Floating therapy - the method of a relaxation removing continuous external influences from a sense organs of the person by immersion in a state of weightlessness. Procedure influences both on physical, and on mental levels. The Floating therapy stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes pulse and a heart rhythm, improves a lymphatic drainage, promotes loosing weight, removes a pain syndrome of various origin (migraine, a back pains, osteochondrosis, arthritises). Procedure helps to stimulate brain work, removes stress, helps to fight against depressions and alarms, increases endorphin production - happiness hormones, gives feeling of harmony, security and rest which remains for a long time after a session.
Nowadays various float chambers, float rooms, float pools and float bed exist. All of them are based on immersion in water, but there is a basic difference: they can be both wet, and dry, with contact and without contact to water respectively. Advantage of wet float chambers is complete isolation from the outside world, lack of sounds, smells, light. It is possibility to stay alone with yourself, without distracting on world around vanity. Practically it hasn't any contra-indications (except individual intolerance of hydrochloric solution). Dry float chamber represents "bath" with water on which the thin water-proof mattress fitting a body is fixed, without disturbing immersion. Advantage of a dry float chambers is removal of the contra-indications connected with contact to hydrochloric solution, possibility of carrying out a session even in clothes, and also carrying out the additional procedures combined with a floating. Sort by
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Floating therapy in recreation: