Sunday, 16.06.2024
22:34  Minsk

.by - Electrophoresis - Rest in Belarus price 2024
Rest in Belarus


ÅElectrophoresis — a physiotherapy method at which on an organism there is a simultaneous influence by a direct current and medicinal substances. Feature ýëåêòðîôîðåçà consists that particles of a medical solution are entered through a skin or mucous membranes under the influence of external electric field. Most ïðîíèöàåìà for it a face skin, a stomach, forearms, lumbar area, hips and shins. The medical substance is put on linings of electrodes and under the influence of electric field gets into an organism through integuments (in therapies, neurology, traumatology, etc.) or mucous membranes (in stomatology, LOR, gynecology, etc.) and influences physiological and pathological processes directly in an introduction place. The electric current also has nervously-reflex and humoral an effect.

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