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.by - New in the health resort Alfa Radon! - health resort Alfa Radon - News 19-November-2023 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : New in the health resort Alfa Radon!

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health resort Alfa Radon

New in the health resort Alfa Radon!

Health resort Alfa Radon reports about a new type of aerobics - tai-bo. Tai-bo is a dance aerobics based on techniques from martial arts, translated into Russian means «Complete knowledge of achieving excellent shape».

Tai-bo is one of the most interesting training systems. It helps fill you with energy, increase stamina and release yourself emotionally after work. The set of exercises is based on the Chinese traditional method of dealing with stress.

Classes include elements taken from oriental practices (kickboxing, karate, taekwondo, Thai boxing). Aerobics, stretching and strength exercises are harmoniously combined in a single system. Tai-bo is performed to energetic music, has simple choreography, maximum movements and several levels of difficulty and intensity.

Read more about rooms and prices, as well as The medical base of the health resort can be found on its page in the relevant sections.

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