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.by - New film One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy - tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy - News 15-August-2019 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : New film One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy

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tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy

New film One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy

Tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy Mogilev region and we believe that all venerable audience gathered here with only one purpose - to look at the enchanting play of our «actress» Valeria in the new film «One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy». Please enjoy immediately!

PRPUE «Automated tourism technologies» on its YouTube channel published a new film «One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy».
In the film, an enterprise specialist tourist complex conducts a cursory examination of the tourist complex, visits museums, examines the rooms, restaurant «Bely parus», communicates with holidaymakers and a representative of the tourist complex...
What is the highlight of this health resort? Should I come to rest exactly here? Would it be boring here?

You will receive the answer to these and many other questions after watching the film «One day in the tourist complex Nikolaevskie prudy»!

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