hotel complex Zharkovschina

hotel complex "Zharkovschina" (Grodno region)

hotel complex Zharkovschina: General information
hotel complex Zharkovschina is located in Svisloch district Grodno region. The hotel complex is situated on the territory of The National park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha». In addition to accommodation and food services complex provides the following additional services: bath, bicycle, ski, horse carriage, transportation services. Nature lovers can take a stroll along the ecological paths.

hotel complex Zharkovschina: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Zharkovschina

1-room double twin / double (building ¹1)

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02-February -  31-August-2024 40 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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twin 1-room / with air conditioning (building ¹1)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 40 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double economy (building ¹1)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 23 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double economy (building ¹3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 23 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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double 2-room (building ¹3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 40 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Zharkovschina: Location on the map