hotel complex Vesta

hotel complex "Vesta" (Minsk region)

hotel complex Vesta: General information
hotel complex Vesta is located in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Minsk region in the immediate vicinity of the Moscow-Brest highway. Cottages and building number 1 are removed from the road and are in the forest, the building ¹2 is located across the road near the reservoir with the main infrastructure objects: cafe, restaurant, rental office, ski track, etc.

Water reservoirs:Åhere is the Netechka River with length of 12 km on the territory of the hotel complex . In addition, there is a pond where fishing is possible, an artificial lake, a decorative pond.

hotel complex Vesta: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Vesta

1-room double / double (building ¹1)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 210,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double / studio (building ¹1)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 260,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room double suite (building ¹1)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 220,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double twin / double (building ¹2)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 200,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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two-bed 1-room / business (building ¹2)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 240,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room double suite (building ¹2)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 250,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-bed 2-room apartment / Apartment (building ¹2)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 650,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-level twin (cottages)

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10-January -  31-August-2024 350,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Vesta: Location on the map