hotel Ukrainisky dvorik

hotel "Ukrainisky dvorik" (Minsk region)

hotel Ukrainisky dvorik: General information
hotel Ukrainisky dvorik located in a quiet, picturesque location 200 meters from Vilejka reservoir. This is a wonderful place not only a comfortable hotel but also a pleasant café, where a large, close-knit company can spend your leisure time. Completed in folk style rooms will leave no one indifferent - down pillows with embroidered pillowcases, homespun rugs and carved wooden furniture create the atmosphere of my grandmother's house in the village.

Fans of travel will also be very nice to stay in the hotel café, as the hotel is located just 112 kilometers away from Minsk.

hotel Ukrainisky dvorik: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel Ukrainisky dvorik

1-room single suite (hotel)

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01-November-2023 -  31-August-2024 105,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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1-room triple (hotel)

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01-November-2023 -  31-August-2024 315,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 3 people a day.
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1-room triple (hotel)

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01-November-2023 -  31-August-2024 240,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 3 people a day.
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1-room for four people (hotel)

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01-November-2023 -  31-August-2024 360,00 BYN
Cost for room (house)
for 4 people a day.
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hotel Ukrainisky dvorik: Location on the map