hotel complex Ratomka

hotel complex "Ratomka" (Minsk region)

hotel complex Ratomka: General information
hotel complex Ratomka located in a quiet picturesque place, distant from the urban hustle and bustle. Guests can appreciate the comfortable rooms, the beauty of nature surrounding the hotel and attentive staff. The main advantage of the hotel is located close to an equestrian complex with a riding school and stables - everyone will be able to order individual lessons or enroll in group training sessions.

At 200 meters from the hotel there is a supermarket «Slavyansky», in whose territory the acts pharmacy, ATM Bel VEB, hairdresser.

10 km from the hotel, the water park «Lyebyazhy» and shopping center "Zhdanovichi".

hotel complex Ratomka: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Ratomka

1-room single (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
21-December-2023 -  30-November-2024 14 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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2-room double superior (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
21-December-2023 -  30-November-2024 60 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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double in a block (2+2) (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
21-December-2023 -  30-November-2024 83 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Ratomka: Location on the map