hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu

hotel complex "Nad Pripyatyu" (Gomel region)

hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu: General information
hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu is located in Petrikov district Gomel region within the territory of the national park Pripyatski. The complex is located next to an artificial water channels. On the territory of a pond with pavilions, grow pine-trees, fur-trees, birches, bushes, etc. Beautiful nature, untrodden paths, fresh air, clean rivers - all this will leave an unforgettable impression about the rest.

Water reservoirs:The hotel complex "Over Pripyat" is located on the bank of the artificial water channel, which originates in the river Pripyat.

hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu

1-room double standard (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-June-2023 -  31-July-2024 3917
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double junior suite (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-June-2023 -  31-July-2024 4167
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room double suite (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-June-2023 -  31-July-2024 5643
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double (for disabled people) (hotel)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-June-2023 -  31-July-2024 3587
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Nad Pripyatyu: Location on the map