hotel complex Kamenyuki

hotel complex "Kamenyuki" (Brest region)

hotel complex Kamenyuki: General information
hotel complex Kamenyuki is located in Kamenets district of Brest region. The complex is situated on the territory of The National park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha». On the territory grow pine trees, birch, fir trees, willow etc. Belovezhskaya Pushcha - a unique largest array of the relic primeval forest in Europe, mainly pine and broadleaf.

Water reservoirs:The hotel complex is located in 3 km from the lake Plyanta, which has an area of 0.01 km².

hotel complex Kamenyuki: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Kamenyuki

1-room single Double (building ¹1, 3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 6650
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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1-room double double (building ¹1, 3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 7700
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room single suite (building ¹1, 3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 12250
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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2-room double suite (building ¹1, 3)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 13300
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room single (building ¹4)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 5250
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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1-room double twin / double (building ¹4)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 8050
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room single suite (building ¹4)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 12250
Cost for room (house)
for 1 people a day.
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2-room double suite (building ¹4)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
02-February -  31-August-2024 13300
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Kamenyuki: Location on the map