hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula

hotel complex "Pansky maentak Sula" (Minsk region)

hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula: General information
hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula is located in Stolbtsovsky district of the Minsk region. Staubtsy district located in the Minsk region. The complex is surrounded by centuries old park, which still grow beautiful plants, once brought from distant countries. Strolling through the cobbled lanes along a beautiful pond with forged benches, you can visit the stables with indoor arena, to communicate with its lovely inhabitants, and be able to make the wildest rides or phaeton. Flying in a helicopter, you can enjoy wonderful views of architecture: castles, palaces , museums, churches bird's-eye view , to make unusual photos on the memory.

Water reservoirs:On the territory of the hotel complex "Pansky maentak Sula" is a pond where fish is found. The area of the reservoir is 3 000 m². Vacationers also can take the opportunity to ride on the boat, soak in a deckchair on the beach or have a picnic on the shady shore.

hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula: Prices per room
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Prices for tickets — hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula

1-room double standard (Lenskie's farmstead)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 68 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room triple standard (Lenskie's farmstead)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 106 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 3 people a day.
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1-room double economy class (ekonom's house)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 89 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double standard (ekonom's house)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 89 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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1-room double standard (boutique hotel)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 148 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room double suite (boutique hotel)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 159 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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2-room for 4 people suite (boutique hotel)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 207 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 4 people a day.
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2-room double suite VIP (boutique hotel)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 207 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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x10   house VIP for 10 people (viking's house)

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01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 443 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 10 people a day.
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2-level double apartment suite (VIP house - outbuilding)

Show prices and discountsShow prices and discounts
01-July-2023 -  31-October-2024 207 ˆ
Cost for room (house)
for 2 people a day.
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hotel complex Pansky maentak Sula: Location on the map