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.by - New in the health resort Sosny - health resort Sosny Minsk - News 07-March-2024 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : New in the health resort Sosny

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health resort Sosny Minsk

New in the health resort Sosny

Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region reports about the new product - Emsella chair. This is a magnetic pulse therapy device that stimulates the pelvic floor muscles and improves blood microcirculation.

Chair of magnetic pulse therapy for stimulating the pelvic floor muscles and improving blood microcirculation BTL Emsella is the most modern and effective method of treating sexual dysfunctions and urinary incontinence in men and women, as well as improving the quality of life.

BTL Emsella is a non-invasive physiotherapeutic device, the electromagnetic field of which interacts with human tissue, affecting muscle and nerve tissue. The result of the impact is muscle contraction, depolarization of nerve cells and an effect on the circulatory system.

Familiarize yourself with medical base and prices for vouchers in the health resort «Sosny» can be found on his page in the relevant sections.

New in the health resort Sosny - a children's room!


Health resort Sosny Minsk pleases young visitors and their parents. Now the health resort has a children's room, which will give your children incredible fun!



Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region informs:
Attention: work is underway to improve the area in front of the main entrance.
The administration of the sanatorium carefully selected the schedule of procedures and entertainment in such a way that guests would not encounter possible noise. The health resort hopes that attention to detail and care for you will allow you to enjoy a good rest, despite the processes taking place in the sanatorium.


New specialist at the health resort Sosny


Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region pleases good news for our vacationers - a new specialist is now available at the health resort - a dermatologist. Now you have the opportunity to get help in dermatology while relaxing in a health resort.


New in Sosny Minsk - teeth whitening


Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region is in a hurry to please holidaymakers - now office teeth whitening is available at the health resort. If suddenly you were planning to visit the dentist before your trip, but suddenly there was no appointment, the professionals at the sanatorium will solve your problem!



Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region informs:
Currently, construction of an additional dining hall is underway.
The renovation project includes an extension to accommodate a dining room to the current dining room. The result will be an expansion of the dining room: the number of seats will be increased, equipment will be updated to provide guests with the highest level of service.
Estimated timeframe completion of construction - autumn 2024.
The administration of the sanatorium apologizes for any inconvenience and hopes for understanding, because these works are being carried out to improve the services provided in the future.


Self-service coffee shop in the health resort Sosny


Health resort Sosny Minsk Minsk region pleases their holidaymakers with a self-service coffee shop. For some, a morning sip of coffee is an important ritual for a good day and, knowing this, the health resort has tried to bring you closer to the comfortable conditions of a city coffee shop, where you can choose and enjoy your favorite drink!


Vacuum therapy at the health resort «Sosny»


Health resort «Sosny» reports about a pleasant new — a pulsed interval vacuum therapy device VACUMED has appeared in the health resort!


New - solarium in the health resort Sosny


Health resort Sosny Minsk reports about the new product - solarium Opal 2xl Super Intensive. Now, when you come to relax at the health resort, you have the opportunity to get an even tan all year round!


The second pumping station in the health resort «Sosny»


Health resort «Sosny» pleases good news to its guests — the health resort has opened a second mineral water pump room, only now in the medical building!

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