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.by - Health resort Ozerny - News 13-December-2023 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : Health resort Ozerny

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health resort Ozerny

Health resort Ozerny

Health resort Ozerny announces a new product - salt sauna with Himalayan salt! The cold weather has arrived, now is the time to warm up while getting healthier. Isn't it wonderful?

Himalayan (pink) salt has a powerful therapeutic and cosmetic effect on the body. When heated, it saturates the air with various elements, such as magnesium, iodine, calcium, sodium, which have a positive effect on the respiratory system.

Staying in a salt sauna also increases immunity, body tone, normalizes metabolism, stabilizes blood pressure, has a beneficial effect on the endocrine, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, circulatory systems, and also relieves from depressive mood and chronic fatigue syndrome. Also, Himalayan salt has an incredible cosmetic effect - it evens out the skin, improves its elasticity, promotes cell regeneration, and increases the strength of hair and nails.

Read more about treatment base and prices for vouchers in sanatoriums can be found on its page in the relevant sections.

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