Accomodation / Conveniences / Facilities     The price of the room / cottage a night

1-room single (hunter's houses ¹1-2)

 conveniences on the territory /
prices not approved
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1-room double (hunter's houses ¹1-2)

 conveniences on the territory /
prices not approved
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1-room triple (hunter's houses ¹1-2)

 conveniences on the territory /
prices not approved
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1-room for four people (hunter's houses ¹1-2)

 conveniences on the territory /
prices not approved
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1-room single (hunter's houses ¹3-4)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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1-room double (hunter's houses ¹3-4)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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1-room double / with double bed (hunter's houses ¹3-4)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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1-room triple (hunter's houses ¹3-4)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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1-room double (hunter's houses ¹5)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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1-room double / with double bed (hunter's houses ¹5)

 conveniences for the cottage /
prices not approved
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Photos of rooms available for reference. Interior design, equipment and furniture arrangement is specified for standard rooms and may vary.