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.by - Health resort Vasilek invites you to undergo gravity therapy using an inversion table - health resort Vasilek - News 02-May-2024 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : Health resort Vasilek invites you to undergo gravity therapy using an inversion table

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health resort Vasilek

Health resort Vasilek invites you to undergo gravity therapy using an inversion table

Gravity therapy is an innovative physiotherapeutic method of complex treatment and prevention of vascular diseases, based on the effect of gravity on the body in different body positions.
In the health resort Vasilek this method is implemented using a new medical product «Inversion table».

Gravity therapy on an inversion table is recommended for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, complications of diabetes, post-Covid syndrome, swelling of the lower extremities, migraines, as well as for muscle relaxation and as a general strengthening and rejuvenating procedure.

More about infrastructure and medical treatment of the health resort can be found on its page in the relevant sections.

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