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.by - New - dry floating in the health resort Belaya vezha - health resort Belaya vezha - News 23-March-2024 - Rest in Belarus price 2024
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News of the recreation center : New - dry floating in the health resort Belaya vezha

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health resort Belaya vezha

New - dry floating in the health resort Belaya vezha

Health resort Belaya vezha reports about the new product - dry floating. The procedure is very popular today and everyone wants to feel weightless. Now, when visiting the health resort, you can also try this new procedure for yourself.

Floating is a physiotherapeutic procedure based on deep muscle relaxation in a state close to weightlessness. This condition occurs when a person is in a saline solution of a certain concentration. The temperature of the liquid is close to the body surface temperature, which enhances the feeling of weightlessness. The number of impulses coming from skin and muscle receptors during floating is reduced to a minimum - this contributes to effective unloading of the nervous system.

Thanks to the procedure, muscle spasms will decrease, blood flow and blood pressure will normalize, fatigue and nervous tension will disappear, sleep and mood will improve. Floating will enhance the natural production of endorphins, which will give you a feeling of lightness and joy.

Learn more about the medical base and prices for tours in the health resort «Belaya Vezha» on its page in the relevant sections.

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